If you have heard of bitcoin but do not know what is it and how to get your hands on some then you have at the right place.
Bitcoin in layman terms is equivalnet to Gold. that is it provides the same store of value as of gold but with some other benefits too and with bitcoin you are in control of your own funds. It is easy to keep and store.

In india you can purchase bitcoin from a number of exchanges legally. what you need is to open an account on one of these exchanges and do the kyc which is mandatory. After that you can simply purchase bitcoin with INR.
if you donont know hoe to purchase bitcoin please click here After purcahse either you can keep your bitcoin in the exchange of you can withdraw your bitcoin to your personal wallet which are free to create and use them. with personal account you have to keep your funds secure, no one else is responsible ot them.
यदि आप आज की bitcoin price in India जाना चाहते हे तो क्लिक करे
BTCके आलावा यदि आप ETHमें इन्वेस्ट कर सकते हे kuki आज के संयम में ETH वर्ड की टॉप 2 cryptocurrecy हे और आने वाले 2 सालो में आसानी से 500 % तक आप को RETURN दे सकती हे – click here
Bitcoin(BTC)के आलावा भी काफी cryptocurrencies हे जिनमे आप इन्वेस्ट करके आसानी से 100-1000 % तक कमा सकते हे इसे इन्वेस्टमेंट आईडिया जाने के लिए आप नीचे दिए गए ब्लॉग की सहायता ले सकते हे
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